Is your summer packed with adventure? And you want to photograph it all beautifully? Here are my 10 best tips for taking amazing summer vacation photos!

Is your summer packed with adventure? And you want to photograph it all beautifully? Here are my 10 best tips for taking amazing summer vacation photos!

Tips for taking amazing summer vacation photos


Fiona’s birth story is full of twists and turns I never expected! Her birth day and her film newborn portraits are two days I’ll never forget!

Fiona’s Birth Story & Film Newborn Portraits


I’m that mom. Isla is only a few weeks away from turning two, and I’m finally sharing her cake smash from her first birthday. If I used emojis on here now would be a perfect time for a face palm one. So, I’m just going to pull out the most cliche statement ever…better late than […]

Raleigh cake smash for 1 year old girl in front of backdrop with greenery hanging down photo

Isla’s Cake Smash


Guys. Carter is truly the BEST Wake Forest Family Photographer. Six months later and I’m still obsessed with these. My beautiful family. These capture us so perfectly. Little Isla with her teeny tiny pony tail right after she turned one. Ada newly four, and full of personality. Wrangling two kids in the heat of August, […]

Best Wake Forest Family Photographer family walking hand in hand along a river photo

A.J.’s Family Portraits


After posting pictures of my family in the snow this week, I received several questions about how to take amazing pictures in the snow. So, I thought it’d be fun to do a little tutorial on how we took them! I know snow seems scary. Cold and wet elements aren’t always a camera’s best friend, […]

how to take amazing photos in the snow tutorial

How To Take Amazing Pictures in the Snow


Having a baby is the most amazing, emotional, magical, beautiful thing in the world. I find the feeling hard to describe. Those of you who have kids know what I’m talking about. For me, it was two of the most special moments in my life. Ones I will never forget. But as beautiful and amazing […]

toddler meeting sister in the hospital photo

The Day My Girls Met


I didn’t go to the hospital to have a baby. The short version is I went into false labor at dawn on my birthday, got sent home after turning down a sleeping pill, cried, rested, had an impromptu birthday party that evening, went back to the hospital for the sleeping pill at midnight, was 6cm […]

Raleigh birth story photographer photo

Isla June’s Birth Story


This is way, way, way overdue. I’m slightly embarrassed that I’m just now formally introducing our sweet new girl and sharing her newborn portraits, insert face palm moment. She’s 7 weeks today which is 7 weeks too long to be introducing her here! The excuses are just what you’d expect: life with two is busy, […]

newborn smiling in little unicorn swaddle photo

Isla June Dunlap


I don’t even know where to start with this one. Obviously these are my maternity portraits, but they’re so much more than that. This is my whole heart wrapped into a post. My loves, my life, right now. I know this stage is fleeting. Soon we’ll be a family of four. We’ll have two little girls […]

raleigh maternity with big sister photo

Baby Dunlap #2 • Maternity Portraits


They got me. They got me good. Let me back up for a sec and give you the whole story. Last Friday on April 28th my sister turned 30. Growing up in our family, April was Carter’s birthday month. She could do no wrong, everything revolved around her for the ENTIRE MONTH. She grew out […]

mom and daughter maternity lifestyle session photo

My Surprise Baby Shower


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Meet A.J.


The Experience


Family and newborn photographer in Raleigh, NC creating art of your family.

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