February 12, 2015

Adeline Pearl Turns 6 Months

Our Life

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

6 months with Adeline Pearl. What a whirlwind of love it’s been. I say this all the time, but if someone could have truly explained how amazing this would be, I would have had a baby a long time ago. But then, Ada Pearl probably wouldn’t be here, so on the other hand, she was totally worth the wait. Kyle and I pinch ourselves every day that this is our life. That she is our daughter. She has brought so much joy into our lives and has brought us closer together. She made us a family.

She’s happy and full of life. And yes, she really does smile all. the. time. Everyone comments on how happy of a baby she is, and I have to agree. If we ever hear the peep of a cry out of her, we know something is wrong. This isn’t me sugar coating or bragging, I’m just stating a fact. That is her. I hope she takes this happy spirit with her throughout the rest of her life, and I pray that we never do anything to take it away from her. Her smile is contagious, and I would cry if I ever did anything to steal her joy.

Out of all the months in her life so far, 5-6 has been my favorite. She developed into such a little person this month. She’s sitting, has full conversations with us even though we don’t know what she’s saying, intentionally reaches for things she wants, and in turn gets frustrated and grunts at them when she can’t reach it or it doesn’t work like she hoped. We just sit and stare at her as we watch her develop. I hope the awe of being new parents never goes away. We love this phase of life.

As you’ve probably noticed, I haven’t been taking monthly photos of her. I wanted to enjoy the picture taking process, not stress out about it. Instead, I opted for quarterly photos on her chair, so that we have some documentation of how she grows. I love this time with her. I love getting to photograph her and her beautiful smile. Here are a few from this quarter’s session. Hope she brightens your Thursday and leaves you with a smile : )

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

Pigtails, smiles and sitting up. The adventures of our 6 month old daughter in Raleigh, NC.

I want to chat with you about
my luxury session!

Creating art of your family with you in it.

A stress free experience for you, mama.

Hi, I'm A.J. A mom to three girls and luxury family and newborn photographer since 2008.

Mama, I get you. I am you. 

We are busy, but we deserve to have beautiful heirloom photos with our children. 
With me as your photographer, I've got you covered with a hands-free luxury portrait experience. You can relax and know that your wardrobe will be provided, you'll be in the photos, your memories will be preserved in beautiful heirloom albums and wall art, and your stress will be non-existent because I've got it handled for you. 

If this sounds EXACTLY like what you are looking for, let's connect and begin planning your dream session! 

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Meet A.J.


The Experience


Family and newborn photographer in Raleigh, NC creating art of your family.

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Spring Mini Sessions

March 20th 5-7PM
The Sutherland in Wake Forest, NC

Tell me more about Minis!