April 1, 2015

Our First Design Center Appointment

Our Life

Building a new M/I Home in Wake Forest, NC.

We had our first appointment at the design center for our new home yesterday!!! It was a little overwhelming when they told us we had 30 days to make all the design choices at the contract signing. But like most things, once we got started it wasn’t nearly as scary. The designer walked us through everything step-by-step, and made it really easy to make choices as we went along. So far, we’ve chosen flooring, counter tops, & cabinets. We also talked about electrical, but have some finalization to do in that area. Our next appointment later this month will lock down all our choices.

It’s hard to know what you want until you see the choices. Now that we’ve gone over options, analyzed electrical blueprints, and received quotes on how much all these upgrades will be, we have a better idea of what we might want. But there are still some areas, we’re just not sure about. I know I asked last week for help, but that was a broad, what should we do kind of question. Today, I have specific questions, that I’d love some input from you.

  • Sinks!!! We think we want to upgrade to a full wide sink with no divider. There are so many times I can’t fit a pot into the sink because of that middle piece. Does anyone have a sink like this? Do you miss having separate sides? Opinions please!
  • Ethernet. Will someone please explain what this is and where we need jacks? Currently, I have my desktop computer plugged directly into our internet, and then we use a wireless router for the rest of the house.
  • Cable jacks. We actually don’t use cable, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want the house wired for future owners. Do you think it would hinder someone from buying down the road if we didn’t upgrade to more than the included 2 jacks?
  • Speakers! We’re thinking about wiring the house for speakers. This wouldn’t include installation, we’d have to do that on our own later, but at least it would be wired. We’re considering the whole downstairs and outside. Ideally, we’d like to have the option to turn music on in different rooms, or have the same music playing in all of them. Is this even possible? Can we have both at the same time? For instance: I want to be able to turn off the music outside, or turn it off in the living room if someone’s watching a movie, but have it on in the kitchen while someone else cooks.
  • Outlets. We added quite a few, but is there anywhere you wish you had an outlet now that you don’t?
  • Drawers. We have the option of slow close drawers. It’s not a necessity for us, but isn’t that much extra. Is it worth it?

Next up is carpets, bathrooms and finishing the kitchen & electrical. Thanks in advance for all your help! Seriously, you have no idea how much last week’s answers helped!

I want to chat with you about
my luxury session!

Creating art of your family with you in it.

A stress free experience for you, mama.

Hi, I'm A.J. A mom to three girls and luxury family and newborn photographer since 2008.

Mama, I get you. I am you. 

We are busy, but we deserve to have beautiful heirloom photos with our children. 
With me as your photographer, I've got you covered with a hands-free luxury portrait experience. You can relax and know that your wardrobe will be provided, you'll be in the photos, your memories will be preserved in beautiful heirloom albums and wall art, and your stress will be non-existent because I've got it handled for you. 

If this sounds EXACTLY like what you are looking for, let's connect and begin planning your dream session! 

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The Experience


Family and newborn photographer in Raleigh, NC creating art of your family.

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Spring Mini Sessions

March 20th 5-7PM
The Sutherland in Wake Forest, NC

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